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  • Lack of access rights - File 'http:/www.maannews.net/images/345x230/136265_345x230.jpg'

ATHENS (AFP) -- Pro-Palestinian activists from an international flotilla banned from setting sail for Gaza by Greek authorities occupied the Spanish Embassy in Athens on Tuesday, a diplomatic source said.

"It's somewhat of a symbolic occupation. There are only four activists currently in the embassy, all of whom are Spanish," the source said.

The activists "want us to ask the Spanish government to put pressure on Athens to authorise the flotilla to set sail for Gaza," she said.

A dozen supporters were gathered outside the embassy, she added.

Thirty mainly Spanish activists had met with their ambassador to ask Madrid to put pressure on Greece to allow them to sail, one of the protesters, who called himself Santiago, said by telephone.

They had then "decided to occupy the rooms," he said.

The activists had draped a Palestinian flag from one of the embassy's balconies, an AFP photographer said.

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