  • Lack of access rights - File 'http:/www.palestine-info.co.uk/En/DataFiles%5CCache%5CTempImgs%5C2011%5C2%5Cimages_News_2011_07_07_kids-abuse_300_0.jpg'
  • Lack of access rights - File 'http:/www.palestine-info.co.uk/En/DataFiles%5CCache%5CTempImgs%5C2011%5C2%5Cimages_News_2011_07_07_kids-abuse_300_0.jpg'

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Ansar Al-Asra (advocates for prisoners) society said it documented the detention of 1,552 Palestinian citizens in the first half of this year, including 215 children.

According a report released by the society on Thursday, there was a marked increase in the kidnapping of Palestinian minors this year and their number rose to 350 children.

19 Palestinian lawmakers from Hamas Movement were also among the detainees who were kidnapped during this year.

The society appealed to the international community to necessarily and actively intervene to curb Israel's persistent violation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian lands.


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